Connemara Corporate Activities, Zetland Country House Hotel

Connemara Corporate Activities, Zetland Country House Hotel

Feel the Fear & Do It-Enhancing Confidence

We are often held back by ingrained beliefs about ourselves and a variety of fears and phobias. When faced with change, these beliefs and fears can prevent us from moving forward. This course uses metaphors and parallels from the outdoors to make mountain climbing seem more like walking over molehills!

  • Understanding personal identity, programming and inhibitors
  • How we create our own reality and the power of belief Personal vision, goal setting and goal management for self
  • Planning and creating milestones Keeping motivated Goal coaching with others
  • Outdoor experience: the Killary High Ropes or Mountain Hike

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    Four Star
    Good Hotel Guide recommended
    Zetland Country House Hotel, Cashel Bay, Connemara, Co. Galway, Ireland
    Telephone: +353 (0) 95 31111
    Fax: +353 (0) 95 31117
    Email: [email protected]